Born in 1964, At Boshoff grew up in Bloemfontein. In 1986 he received the call into ministry and completed three years of Bible school in the local church. He immediately started within his local church on a road of Christian service, that led him to youth outreaches in his hometown and missionary trips into Africa. Together with his wife Pastor Nyretta, he founded a very successful church in Ladybrand which led to establishing CRC Bloemfontein, in 1994.

One characteristic of Ps At’s ministry is his determination to build beautiful and functional facilities on a cash-build basis. In Ladybrand, he successfully launched and completed the building project of a Church auditorium and large pre-school debt free. Furthermore the building and expansion of the Bloemfontein facilities, which include an 5500 seater auditorium, youth-, exemplar children’s and training facilities, extensive administration, media centre including chapel seating 600 people, was completed in the same manner. Pastor At has become known for his bold faith and courageous nature, in pursuing and completing large building projects debt free.

CRC’s net is widely cast out and is established in Pretoria, Johannesburg, along with 90 National and international CRC churches worldwide, executing the mission of “One Church, Many Locations”. CRC Pretoria was launched in 2004 to reach more people with the good News of Jesus Christ. Since the inception and rapid growth of the congregation, from school hall to 1500 tent auditorium, Ps At set out to establish a state-of-the-art 7000 seater auditorium! The once again debt-free project has been driven by Ps At through many faithful givers, understanding that the purpose of their lives is to build for generations to come. The new magnificent building was launched in February 2014 and has become an epicentre to thousands of families and sanctuary where all people in the community are cared for and discipled.

Pastor At is on the Senior National Executive Board for the I.F.C.C. (International Federation of Christian Churches), which is a body of several hundred churches under the Presidency of Rev. Ray McCauley (Rhema Church,South Africa). He is a greatly sought-after speaker, both nationally and internationally and seen weekly on TBN, CTV and Rhema TV.

Pastor At is described as focused, passionate and fervent in his hunger for the Word of God and explosive in his dynamic teaching of it. His dynamic, bold and practical messages are equally refreshing in relevance to authenticity and doctrinal accuracy.

Nyretta Gibbons was born in Harare, Zimbabwe, where she grew up on a game ranch. At the tender age of 10, she and her whole family converted to Christianity and together embarked on a joyous journey in faith.

Building upon and following in the example and precepts she received at home as well as the experience she gained in ministry and life with her husband, Pastor Nyretta developed a passion for teaching the practicalities of Christian living; and does so with great aptitude and success.

She heads up the Creative Arts ministry and directs the very successful Music ministry of the congregations in Bloemfontein, Pretoria and Johannesburg. Ps Nyretta is also the Executive producer of CRC’s (house-own/in-house) praise and worship music release albums. Beside her exemplary support of her husband’s international and national ministry, she speaks at Women’s conferences, heads up the women’s ministry, ministers to the CRC pastor’s wives, organises and co-ordinates various CRC events and is a brilliant mother and homemaker.